God plays no favourites, it makes no difference who you are or where you're from. Acts 10:34
Acts 10:34-43
Dearly beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest barrier to the spread of the Good News in the first century was the Jewish- Gentile conflict. Most of the early believers were Jewish and the Jews saw it as an abomination associating with the Gentiles whom they considered as "ritually unclean". They knew that salvation was meant only for them as the chosen race until Peter had the vision to go to the house of a Gentile- Roman captain named Cornelius. When Peter got to Cornelius' house, he was not very comfortable as he told Cornelius how unlawful it was for Jews to associate with Gentiles (Acts 10:28). Then Cornelius gave his own experience of how he had been praying and seeking to know God more, and how a man in dazzling white clothes had appeared to him and commanded him to send messengers to Peter.
The testimony of Cornelius was proof that God had sent His angel to Cornelius, a sign that God did not show favouritism. So Peter had to preach to Cornelius and to the people he had invited to his home. In Peter's brief but powerful sermon, he gave a concise summary of the Good News. He told them about Jesus Christ and how God anointed Him for the work He did on earth being a servant of all, how he fulfilled the words of the prophets of old, was crucified and buried but rose again and was revealed to them who stand as living and eyewitnesses of the risen Lord. He then attested to the fact that EVERYONE who believes in Him, will have their sins forgiven, for He accepts those who fear Him and do what is right, no matter where they come from or who they are.
Beloved in the Lord, have you had a true encounter with the risen Lord? Can you attest to the fact that God is no respecter of persons? Yes, Indeed! God is no respecter of persons. He reveals Himself to all those who seek Him diligently.
It is unfortunate that in the church of today, some people still claim superiority over others because of their tribal or social status. Some people have also allowed others to make them feel as though they were of little value in the house of God. Never allow anyone to look down on you in matters of the kingdom of God for we are all descendants of Abraham to whom God made the promise and to his posterity forever and so Christ died for you. If you fear God and do what is right, you can be sure that He lives for you. Call on Him like Cornelius did, and He will direct you.
Do you really know this Jesus? Have you been looking low on others because of their lack of knowledge in the word of God? Instead of feeling more important than others because you think you have a closer relationship with God more than them (which is pride), be a witness for Jesus Christ and pray that the weaker ones in faith may grow to a higher grace by the power of God. Pray that God will reveal Himself to them as well, for it was grace that found even you. Since you have been saved by the grace of God, pray that the same grace will locate all others and be a true witness for Christ. Be the Peter of this generation to enlighten all the "Corneliuses" who desire to have an understanding of God.
Almighty God my redeemer, I am grateful that your amazing grace found a wretched sinner like me. I can attest to the fact that you are indeed no respecter of persons. Where would I have been if you chose people by background? Where would I have been if you called people by their social class? When I consider the fact that I have no background but yet you called me, I wasn't rich yet you called me, I wasn't knowledgeable but yet you called me, I am humbled by the kind of God you are. Thank you for coming to my rescue. Help me to be an ambassador to take this same grace to the ends of the earth. Forgive us for the tribal and social class divides in our Church today. Help us to embrace one another the way you see us, for you have shown that you are no respecter of persons. Thank you, Jesus. Amen
Rev Mrs Ntsam Emelda Bih