The Minister of Sports and Physical Education calls for the responsibility of all players in the national sports community, to prevent the practice
The Minister of Sports Reminds the Public that Sports Activities (Football Match, Holiday Championship) Remain Suspended.
Faced with the observation of certain unauthorized activities in the Sport and Physical Education sub-sector and on the fringes of the Very High prescriptions of the President of the Republic, passed on by the Prime Minister, Head of Government, on March 17, 2020, within the framework of the national response strategy against the COVID-19 pandemic, prescriptions that were recalled in circulars N ° 20/005 / MINSEP / CAB of March 19, 2020, and N ° 007 / MINSEP / CAB of April 01, 2020,
The Minister of Sports and Physical Education calls for the responsibility of all players in the national sports community, to prevent the practice of sport, a factor of well-being and good physical and mental health, from becoming the fertile ground the spread of this pandemic, the evolution of which remains worrying in our country.
Hence, he reiterates, for the attention of all these actors (sports managers, sports infrastructure managers or owners of exploited areas). the obligation to scrupulously respect the hygiene rules decreed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as the barrier measures set out by the Government. It thus invites everyone to temporarily suspend all forms of the collective practice of physical and sporting activities likely to undermine the proper observance of said rules and measures (football matches, so-called holiday championships with the general public, etc. ).
He wishes to reassure public opinion that a reflection initiated with the national sports movement will make it possible to define in the short term the conditions for a gradual and secure resumption of said activities.
As Concerns, conservative measures, Parcours Vita's (Yaounde, Douala and Bamenda), the National Institute of Youths and Sports, the National Youth and Sports Centres (Bamenda, Bertoua, Dschang, Garoua and Kribi), as well as decentralized services of MINSEP, remain open to provide assistance, counselling and follow-up to the general public that is encouraged to practice individual or organized sports activities in very small numbers.
NB: Stay safe and respect the measures put in place by the Ministry of Health.
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