About Us

Saitu Awa Cheng has been a teacher of Information and Communication Technology in some secondary schools in Cameroon for over five years.

Since the early 2000s, he has had a passion for working with computers and technological devices. He developed this nag from his uncle, who, back then in the early 2000s, was a computer hardware technician who was fun of bringing his work home. As a kid, he watched his uncle dismantle and assemble computer parts and install the software. He was curious and always wanted to know what he was doing and why he did it.

His uncle seeing his love for computers bought an HP Vectra VL400 for him and his siblings.
Saitu Awa Cheng learned a lot from his uncle, who used MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Millennium, and Windows XP. The very first computer he owned was a Dell Inspiron 1000, which was given to him by his dad while he was in his last year at the university.

In 2011, after graduating from the University of Buea, he took a course on SQL programming and learned computer hardware maintenance. He later managed a cybercafé where he got to ploy his trade in hardware maintenance by providing solutions to the problems his users faced.

In 2013 he was offered a job as a computer science teacher at Presbyterian Comprehensive Secondary School (PCSS) Azire, Bamenda, Cameroon. As a Teacher of Information and Communication Technology, he was fun sharing information with his students on innovations in computer technology and his searches; he discovered very little information was on the internet to help Cameroon users.

So in 2019, after talking and sharing ideas with a longtime friend Dr. Temo of www.dreampointech.com, he decided to create a blog, which is also a melting pot of information to get you kitted out with all the tools, tips, and ideas you need in today's tech world. The blog looks to bring out the following for its users:

• Tech news trending in Cameroon and the rest of the world

Reviews of phones

Android tips and tricks

Health Tips

Business deals / Opportunities

Job Alerts in Cameroon

He hopes to link up with more people and online websites in Cameroon and make life easier for people searching for valuable information on the above topics.


Afghanistan,4,Africell,2,Airtel,5,Android,12,Apps,11,Blogging,7,Business,25,Cameroon-Info,140,Camtel,6,Central Africa Republic,1,Daily Devotions,9,Education,30,Etisalat,2,Fashion,4,Gabon,4,Ghana,6,Health-Tips,24,How-To,43,Huawei,8,India,1,Infinix,2,IOS,13,Job Alerts,19,Kenya,1,Lesotho,3,Liberia,12,Lifestyle,9,Malawi,8,Mozambique,2,MTC,2,Mtn,31,Namibia,2,Network,76,Nexttel,5,Nigeria,9,Orange,23,Other-Brands,5,Phone-Reviews,20,Qcell,2,Rwanda,3,Samsung,1,Seo,2,Sierra Leone,7,South Africa,6,Tanzania,6,Technical-GCE,4,Tecno,3,UAE,2,Uganda,6,USA,3,Vodacom,2,Windows,4,Xiaomi,4,Yoomee,2,Zambia,3,Zimbabwe,1,
About Us
Saitu Awa Cheng has been a teacher of Information and Communication Technology in some secondary schools in Cameroon for over five years. Since the early 2000s, he has had a passion for working with computers and technological devices. He developed this nag from his uncle, who back then in the early 2000s, was a computer hardware technician who was fun of bringing his work home. As a kid, he watched his uncle dismantle and assemble computer parts, as well as install software. He was curious and always wanted to know what he was doing and why he did it.
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